Judging Criterial and panel

Judging Criteria

At every level of the competition each competitor will be assessed on the judging criteria listed below. Each criterion is equally weighted and has an emphasis on audience.

Comprehension and content

  • Presentation provided clear background and significance to the research question
  • Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
  • Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research

Judging Panel

It is recommended that the following be taken into consideration when composing the judging panel.

  • Include three to five judges on your panel;
  • Balance judging panel by age, gender, academic/professional positions, and discipline;
  • Consider a marketing/communications member; and While judges should declare any conflict of interest, they should still judge each 3MT presenter’s oration, even if the presenter is from their discipline.